Friday, 22 November 2019

The longest

One day there was a little girl and her brother and the were making snowman and his wife were outside so the little boy and his sister mum told them to go back in so they went to sleep.

Then the next morning the little girl woke up and opened the curtain and saw the wife unhappy and then realised that the snowman was not there but the snowman was going to buy something for his wife and he got her red hat,gloves,scarf and when he was going home kids were throwing snowballs at the snowman.

But when he was in the city he saw kids that were throwing snowballs at him but he got home and gave it to his wife.

Image result for the longest journey with snowmanSo they lived happily ever after.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Power pome

Power saves things

Outside everybody uses electricity

When people use too much electricity they can cause power cuts.

Every single place has power lines

Runs and finds things that uses needs powerv