Thursday, 2 December 2021

Hershey's Tiakarete


This is one of the book i was reading From the TOITOI Challenge, This book is called  Hershey's Tiakarete and it is all about sharing her Tiakarete (chocolate)  with friends and family . 
This book was written by 
Words by Rebecca Richards, age 11
and Picture by Jasmine Lee, age 13


The Virtual World

This term Room 10 and Pwc people Are working together on some toitoi challenges and one of the book i have read about was The Virtual World and it is about a boy and a Dragon .

Words by Jeppe Weisbach, age 10
Picture by Jordan Huh, age 10

Lamb Roast

This term Room 10 and Pwc have been working together to complete TOITOI challenges
And this book is called Lamb Roast
And the book was written by Taylor Grimstone, age 10
Picture by Vanisha Patel, age 12